G A R Y   H A G G Q U I S T    


(posted on 4 Jan 2011)

I am finally moving in to my new studio. There are still a few things to finish before I can say the building is complete but it is definitely finished enough for me to start working in.

As you can see I have an area in the front of the building for displaying a few pieces. I constructed a wall in the middle of the room that's on wheels and can be split in two for repositioning. I have not finished setting up my work area and desk. I'm in the process of moving my painting materials from the old studio and hope to have that done in the next few days so I can start painting. After being in my old studio for so long (23 yrs) it feels a little strange to be in this new space. I don't think I will feel totally at home until I get a painting or two under my belt.

Yes, I also play music and you can see my drums and guitars in the back corner.


