G A R Y   H A G G Q U I S T    


(posted on 17 Oct 2010)

After a long wonderful spring, summer and fall working part time, side by side with my father, my new painting studio is nearing completion. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine such a place of my own to work in. After painting in a small bedroom sized room for 23 years, I'm very excited to soon be moving to a larger, better lit, purpose built space that I'm expecting will have a huge impact on my practice.

Though this project has been rewarding on many levels, the time spent working side by side with my father has alone been an experience I will cherish forever. I remember several times while working with him, evoking memories of past carpentry projects with his father. What would Grampa think of our latest project? What advice would he offer? He would have loved to be working with us too, just as he once did with his father. My great grandfather Franz Gustav Haggquist came from Sweden to Minnesota in the 1880's. Some of his wood working tools are in my proud possession and were actually used in the building of this structure. At times like these I am once again reminded of the long rich tradition of woodworking that has been passed down through the generations from father to son and feel blessed to know the feeling of being part of something profoundly larger than myself.

Though we still have lots of finishing touches yet to complete the end of the project is now in sight. I will post more pictures of the interior when completed.
